Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Healthy Pasta Alternative (Beyond Zoodles!) That’s Actually Good — Shopping

You can’t fool me or my husband when it comes to subbing ingredients. We can always tell when applesauce is swapped into baked goods. We know instantly when a fountain soda is diet. And we’ll call you out if you’ve used avocado instead of butter. These swaps aren’t necessarily bad things — as long as we know about them before they enter our mouths.

The only swap we’re notoriously not okay with is pasta. Zoodles and spaghetti squash, while delicious, are not pasta and should not be treated as such! Gluten-free pasta is, well, not pasta. (It’s gluten-free pasta, which is different!) And whole-wheat pasta, although good for you in comparison, is never okay in our book. If we’re gonna eat pasta, we want pasta — the stuff made of eggs and white flour.



The Healthy Pasta Alternative (Beyond Zoodles!) That’s Actually Good — Shopping was originally posted by storefront T2b

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