Friday, January 19, 2018

Here’s How Long Your Cleaning Supplies Actually Last — Cleaning Tips from Kitchn

Surprise! Your cleaning supplies won’t be good forever. Because they’re chemical mixtures, they can break down over time as air, heat, or moisture accelerate various chemical reactions. The clearest signs things are expired are as follows: It’s past the expiration date on the bottle, the formula looks or smells different, the packaging is compromised, or the solution just isn’t working. Another possible sign? If you straight-up can’t remember the last time you used it.

And note that while many cleaning products include “best by” dates, they are not required to include them. Your best bet is to label the containers when you first buy the product, and to call the manufacturer directly if you have any questions about their effectiveness.



Here’s How Long Your Cleaning Supplies Actually Last — Cleaning Tips from Kitchn was originally posted by storefront T2b

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